Setup Instructions

You should have a laptop for writing robot code. You can use any OS to write and deploy code, but Windows is required if you want to drive the robot from your computer. Instructions below are for Windows.

Install Python

All robot code is written in Python. See this page for some Python tutorials.

This is Python’s interactive mode. You can type Python code in and press Enter to run it immediately.

Install Python libraries

python -m pip install --upgrade pip
python -m pip install --upgrade pylint pyfrc robotpy robotpy-rev robotpy-rev.color robotpy-navx pygame remi

pip is a tool for installing and upgrading packages for Python, to add extra functionality. The first command updates pip to the latest version. The second command installs 5 packages which give you the necessary libraries for writing and testing robot code.

Install Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio Code is our recommended program for writing Python code. (It is different than plain Visual Studio).

Install Driver Station

The installation process for Driver Station is SLOW! While you are working on this you can continue on some of the other sections. Driver station does not work on the school laptops.

Driver Station is used to control the robot from your computer using a joystick or gamepad. It only works on Windows.

Create a GitHub account

All of our robot code will be on GitHub, so anybody can view it, download it, and edit it.

Install Git

Git is software for “version control,” which allows us all to collaborate on the code and manage multiple versions and branches of it.

Clone the Seamonsters Repository

Open Command Prompt and type these commands:

cd Documents
git clone

This will navigate to your Documents folder and download a repository hosted on GitHub called SeamonstersTemplate. This is a template that we use for robot development, including some Python libraries we have developed over the years.