
Any function that has the yield command is a Generator.

Yield is like a “pause” command for a function. It saves the place in the function, including all of the variable values, and exits to return later. Since generators are “pausable,” they aren’t called like a normal function. They don’t have a single return value, and they stay “active” over a period of time. The simplest way to call them is to use a for loop.

For loops are usually used to repeat a block of code for all items in a sequence. So: for i in range(10): repeats the following code for all numbers 0 through 9. And for color in ['red', 'yellow', green']: repeats the following code with color as “red,” then again as “yellow,” then again as “green.”

Generators produce a sequence just like a list or a range. And you can iterate over this sequence. If you have a generator called my_generator(), you can write for x in my_generator(): to have code run every time the generator pauses with yield. For example:

def my_generator():
    print("Yielding red...")
    yield "red"
    print("Yielding yellow...")
    yield "yellow"
    print("Yielding green...")
    yield "green"
    print("Done, returning")

for value in my_generator():
    print("Received", value)

The output of this code will be:

Yielding red...
Received red
Yielding yellow...
Received yellow
Yielding green...
Received green
Done, returning

Notice how execution alternates between the my_generator function and the body of the for loop.

Combining Generators

Generators especially make autonomous programming simple. You can write simple generators for basic steps of an autonomous sequence, then combine them sequentially or have them run in parallel.

For example, here’s a simple generator function that turns a specified motor for a specified number of iterations:

def spinMotor(motor, speed, count):
    for i in range(count):

You can include this in your autonomous generator function like this:

def autonomous(self):
    for x in spinMotor(self.motor, 1, 100):

So every time spinMotor yields, autonomous will yield also, causing the 1/50 second delay. Remember that this delay only happens automatically for the special teleop and autonomous functions of GeneratorBot. With a given count argument of 100, spinMotor will yield 100 times, and so will autonomous, so the motor will spin for 2 seconds.

Python has a shortcut for this, called yield from. This code does the same thing:

def autonomous(self):
    yield from spinMotor(self.motor, 1, 100)

If you want to spin the motor backwards immediately after spinning it forwards, you can just add it to the sequence:

def autonomous(self):
    yield from spinMotor(self.motor, 1, 100)
    yield from spinMotor(self.motor, -1, 100)

Seamonsters features

The seamonsters library has some nice features for making sequences of generators. Here are some of them:

Stop Conditions

A few of the above utilities will “stop” a generator at a certain point. If you have code that needed to be called when the generator ends, this might be skipped, which could cause problems. For example, spinMotor stops the motor when it’s done, but if it was stopped early this might not happen.

The solution is to use a “try/finally” block.

def spinMotor(motor, speed, count):
        for i in range(count):

The code under finally will always run after the code under try, even if the code under try is interrupted early, or even if it stops unexpectedly due to an error.