Source code for seamonsters.superHolonomicDrive

import math, rev, time
import seamonsters as sea

TWO_PI = math.pi * 2

# for AngledWheel
MAX_DRIVE_ERROR = 6.0 # feet

# for SwerveWheel
MAX_SWERVE_ERROR = 2 * math.pi / 3 # radians

# for spark max

def _iteratePairs(list):
    for i in range(0, len(list) - 1):
        for j in range(i + 1, len(list)):
            yield list[i], list[j]

class Wheel:
    Interface for wheels. A Wheel has a location and can put out force in a

[docs] def __init__(self, x, y): """ :param x: X offset from origin in feet :param y: Y offset from origin in feet """ self.x = float(x) self.y = float(y) # if True, all calls to drive() or stop() will disable self.disabled = False # list of strings describing errors self.faults = []
[docs] def limitMagnitude(self, magnitude, direction): """ Return the scaling factor necessary to keep the wheel speed within its limits. :param magnitude: speed in feet per second :param direction: radians. 0 is right, positive counter-clockwise :return: 1.0 if wheel speed is within it limits, otherwise a value between 0 and 1 to scale the wheel down to its maximum speed. """ return 1.0
[docs] def drive(self, magnitude, direction, motorNum=None): """ Spin the wheel. This should be called 50 times per second. :param magnitude: speed in feet per second. Even if the magnitude is zero, the wheel will attempt to orient in the given direction :param direction: radians. 0 is right, positive counter-clockwise """ if self.disabled: self.disable() else: self._drive(magnitude, direction, motorNum)
def _drive(self, magnitude, direction, motorNum=None): pass
[docs] def stop(self): """ Stop driving. """ if self.disabled: self.disable() else: self._stop()
def _stop(self): pass
[docs] def disable(self): """ Disable motors. Calling drive() will enable them again. """
[docs] def resetPosition(self): pass
[docs] def getRealPosition(self): """ :return: a value representing distance the wheel has travelled, which accumulates over the lifetime of the wheel. """ return 0
[docs] def getTargetPosition(self): """ :return: target value for ``getRealPosition()`` -- where wheel is moving to """ return 0
[docs] def getRealDirection(self): """ :return: the current direction the wheel is moving in radians. This may be based on sensors. """ return 0
[docs] def getTargetDirection(self): """ :return: target value for ``getRealDirection()`` """ return 0
[docs] def getRealVelocity(self): """ :return: the current velocity of the wheel in feet per second, based on sensors. """ return 0
class CasterWheel(Wheel): """ Doesn't drive a motor, only stores its drive parameters and echoes them back for getRealDirection and getRealVelocity. """
[docs] def __init__(self, x, y): super().__init__(x, y) self._storedMagnitude = 0 self._storedDirection = 0 self._distance = 0
def _drive(self, magnitude, direction): self._storedMagnitude = magnitude self._storedDirection = direction self._distance += magnitude / sea.ITERATIONS_PER_SECOND def _stop(self): self._storedMagnitude = 0
[docs] def getRealPosition(self): return self.getTargetPosition()
[docs] def getTargetPosition(self): return self._distance
[docs] def getRealDirection(self): return self.getTargetDirection()
[docs] def getTargetDirection(self): return self._storedDirection
[docs] def getRealVelocity(self): return self._storedMagnitude
class TestWheel(CasterWheel): """ Logs parameters for drive(), for testing. """
[docs] def __init__(self, name, x, y): """ :param name: Name to include when logging parameters. :param x: X offset from origin in feet :param y: Y offset from origin in feet """ super().__init__(x, y) = name
def _drive(self, magnitude, direction): super()._drive(magnitude, direction) print(, "Mag:", magnitude, "Dir:", math.degrees(direction)) def _stop(self): super()._stop() print(, "stop")
[docs] def disable(self): super().disable() print(, "disable")
class AngledWheel(Wheel): """ An AngledWheel is a wheel oriented in a fixed direction, which it can't change on its own. It uses a SparkMax to drive. """
[docs] def __init__(self, motor: rev.CANSparkMax, x, y, angle, circumference, maxVoltageVelocity, reverse=False): """ :param motors: a SparkMax :param x: X position in feet :param y: Y position in feet :param angle: radians, direction of force. 0 is right, positive counter-clockwise :param circumference: wheel circumference in feet :param maxVoltageVelocity: velocity at 100% in voltage mode, in feet per second :param reverse: boolean, optional """ super().__init__(x, y) self.motors = [motor] self.motorControllers = [motor.getPIDController()] self.angle = angle self.circumference = circumference self.gearRatio = 1 self.encoderCountsPerFoot = 1 self.maxVoltageVelocity = maxVoltageVelocity self.reverse = reverse self.wheelPosition = 0 self.driveMode = rev.ControlType.kVoltage self.realTime = False self._motorState = None self._positionTarget = 0 self._oldPosition = 0 self._positionOccurence = 0 self._prevTime = time.time()
# for wheels with gearboxes, so all motors can be driven at the same speed
[docs] def addMotor(self, motor: rev.CANSparkMax): self.motors.append(motor) self.motorControllers.append(motor.getPIDController())
# for switching between break and coast mode for the motors
[docs] def setIdleMode(self, mode): for motor in self.motors: motor.setIdleMode(mode)
[docs] def limitMagnitude(self, magnitude, direction): # TODO: check position error in this function instead, and factor it # into the scale magnitude *= math.cos(direction - self.angle) if abs(magnitude) > self.maxVoltageVelocity: return self.maxVoltageVelocity / abs(magnitude) return 1.0
def _drive(self, inputMagnitude, direction, motorNum=None): motorsToDrive = range(0, len(self.motors)) if motorNum is not None: # for driving individual motors motorsToDrive = [motorNum] for motor in motorsToDrive: magnitude = inputMagnitude * math.cos(direction - self.angle) if self.reverse: magnitude = -magnitude if self.driveMode == rev.ControlType.kPosition \ and self._motorState != self.driveMode: self._positionTarget = self.motors[motor].getEncoder().getPosition() curTime = time.time() if self.realTime and self._motorState == self.driveMode: tDiff = curTime - self._prevTime else: tDiff = 1 / sea.ITERATIONS_PER_SECOND self._prevTime = curTime encoderCountsPerSecond = magnitude * self.encoderCountsPerFoot # always incremented, even if not in position mode # used by getTargetPosition self._positionTarget += encoderCountsPerSecond * tDiff # _positionTarget is close to the actual robot, but are off by a bit if self.driveMode == DISABLED: if self._motorState != self.driveMode: self.motors[motor].disable() elif self.driveMode == rev.ControlType.kVelocity: # encoder counts per second * 60 to get the rpm to set the motor self.motorControllers[motor].setReference(encoderCountsPerSecond * 60, self.driveMode) elif self.driveMode == rev.ControlType.kPosition: # spin the motor to the target position for the next iteration self.motorControllers[motor].setReference(self._positionTarget, self.driveMode) elif self.driveMode == rev.ControlType.kVoltage: # the 12 is for 12 volts self.motorControllers[motor].setReference(magnitude * 12, self.driveMode) self._motorState = self.driveMode def _stop(self):, 0)
[docs] def disable(self): if self._motorState != DISABLED: for motor in self.motors: motor.disable() self._motorState = DISABLED
[docs] def resetPosition(self): self._motorState = None
def _sensorPositionToDistance(self, pos): if self.reverse: pos = -pos return pos / self.encoderCountsPerFoot
[docs] def getRealPosition(self): return self._getRealPosition() + self.wheelPosition
def _getRealPosition(self): encPos = 0 for motor in self.motors: try: encPos += motor.getEncoder().getPosition() except AssertionError: # Breaks in the simulator pass encPos /= len(self.motors) return self._sensorPositionToDistance(encPos)
[docs] def changeGear(self, gearRatio): self.wheelPosition += self._getRealPosition() for i in range(len(self.motors)): self.motors[i].getEncoder().setPosition(0.0) self.gearRatio = gearRatio self.encoderCountsPerFoot = 1 / (self.gearRatio * self.circumference)
[docs] def getTargetPosition(self): return self._sensorPositionToDistance(self._positionTarget)
[docs] def getRealDirection(self): return self.getTargetDirection()
[docs] def getTargetDirection(self): return self.angle
[docs] def getRealVelocity(self): sensorVel = 0 for motor in self.motors: sensorVel += motor.getEncoder().getVelocity() sensorVel /= len(self.motors) if self.reverse: sensorVel = -sensorVel return sensorVel / self.encoderCountsPerFoot
class MecanumWheel(AngledWheel): """ An angled Mecanum wheel. The velocity of the wheel is scaled up to compensate for the effect of the rollers. For the angle of the wheel, use the diagonal direction of force in the diamond pattern. """ SQRT_2 = math.sqrt(2)
[docs] def limitMagnitude(self, magnitude, direction): return super().limitMagnitude(magnitude * MecanumWheel.SQRT_2, direction)
def _drive(self, magnitude, direction): return super()._drive(magnitude * MecanumWheel.SQRT_2, direction)
[docs] def getRealPosition(self): return super().getRealPosition() / MecanumWheel.SQRT_2
[docs] def getTargetPosition(self): return super().getTargetPosition() / MecanumWheel.SQRT_2
[docs] def getRealVelocity(self): return super().getRealVelocity() / MecanumWheel.SQRT_2
class SwerveWheel(Wheel): """ A wheel which can rotate. A SwerveWheel drives using an AngledWheel, and rotates using a SparkMax. """
[docs] def __init__(self, angledWheel: AngledWheel, steerMotor: rev.CANSparkMax, encoderCountsPerRev, rotationVelocity, offsetX = 0, offsetY = 0, reverseSteerMotor=False): """ ``zeroSteering()`` is called in __init__. :param angledWheel: an AngledWheel for driving. Its angle will be updated as the swerve wheel rotates. The SwerveWheel will borrow its X/Y position when it's initialized. :param steerMotor: a SparkMax for rotating the swerve wheel. It should have a feedback sensor set for position mode. :param encoderCountsPerRev: number of encoder counts in a full rotation of the steer motor :param reverseSteerMotor: boolean, optional """ super().__init__(angledWheel.x, angledWheel.y) self.angledWheel = angledWheel self.steerMotor = steerMotor self.encoderCountsPerRev = encoderCountsPerRev self.rotationVelocity = rotationVelocity self.offsetX = offsetX self.offsetY = offsetY self.reverseSteerMotor = reverseSteerMotor self.zeroSteering() self._targetDirection = angledWheel.angle self._motorDisabled = True
[docs] def zeroSteering(self, currentAngle=0): """ Reset the origin (rotation of wheel when facing right) so that the current position of the steer motor is ``currentAngle`` (defaults 0). """ self._steerOrigin = self.steerMotor.getEncoder().getPosition() offset = currentAngle * self.encoderCountsPerRev / TWO_PI if self.reverseSteerMotor: offset = -offset self._steerOrigin -= offset self._simulatedCurrentDirection = self._getCurrentSteeringAngle()
[docs] def limitMagnitude(self, magnitude, direction): return self.angledWheel.limitMagnitude(magnitude, direction)
def _getCurrentSteeringAngle(self): offset = self.steerMotor.getEncoder().getPosition() \ - self._steerOrigin if self.reverseSteerMotor: offset = -offset return offset * TWO_PI / self.encoderCountsPerRev def _setSteering(self, direction): self._targetDirection = direction pos = direction * self.encoderCountsPerRev / TWO_PI if self.reverseSteerMotor: pos = -pos if self._motorDisabled: self.steerMotor.setIdleMode(rev.CANSparkMax.IdleMode.kBrake) self._motorDisabled = False self.steerMotor.setEncPosition(pos + self._steerOrigin) def _updateMotorPosition(self): if self._motorDisabled: return change = self.rotationVelocity / sea.ITERATIONS_PER_SECOND if abs(self._simulatedCurrentDirection - self._targetDirection) < change: self._simulatedCurrentDirection = self._targetDirection elif self._simulatedCurrentDirection > self._targetDirection: self._simulatedCurrentDirection -= change else: self._simulatedCurrentDirection += change def _drive(self, magnitude, direction): self._updateMotorPosition() currentAngle = self._simulatedCurrentDirection # steering should never rotate more than 90 degrees from any position angleDiff = sea.circleDistance(currentAngle, direction, math.pi) target = currentAngle + angleDiff #print(math.degrees(currentAngle), math.degrees(target)) self._setSteering(target) self.angledWheel.angle = currentAngle self.angledWheel.x = self.x + math.cos(currentAngle) * self.offsetX - math.sin(currentAngle) * self.offsetY self.angledWheel.y = self.y + math.sin(currentAngle) * self.offsetX + math.cos(currentAngle) * self.offsetY, direction) def _stop(self): self._updateMotorPosition() self.angledWheel.stop()
[docs] def disable(self): self.angledWheel.disable() if not self._motorDisabled: self.steerMotor.disable() self.steerMotor.setIdleMode(rev.CANSparkMax.IdleMode.kCoast) self._motorDisabled = True
[docs] def resetPosition(self): self._simulatedCurrentDirection = self._getCurrentSteeringAngle() self.angledWheel.resetPosition()
[docs] def getRealPosition(self): return self.angledWheel.getRealPosition()
[docs] def getTargetPosition(self): return self.angledWheel.getTargetPosition()
[docs] def getRealDirection(self): return self.angledWheel.getRealDirection()
[docs] def getTargetDirection(self): return self._targetDirection
[docs] def getRealVelocity(self): return self.angledWheel.getRealVelocity()
class SuperHolonomicDrive:
[docs] def __init__(self): self.wheels = [] self.autoDisableTime = sea.ITERATIONS_PER_SECOND # 1 second self._disableCounter = 0
[docs] def addWheel(self, wheel): """ Add a wheel to the set of drivetrain wheels. :param wheel: a ``Wheel`` """ self.wheels.append(wheel)
[docs] def undisable(self): self._disableCounter = 0
[docs] def drive(self, magnitude, direction, turn): """ Drive the robot. This should be called 50 times per second. If drive is called with a magnitude/turn of 0 for more than ``autoDisableTime`` iterations, all wheels will be disabled. :param magnitude: feet per second :param direction: radians. 0 is right, positive counter-clockwise :param turn: radians per second. positive counter-clockwise :return: the scale of the actual output speed, as a fraction of the input magnitude and turn components """ if magnitude == 0 and turn == 0: self._disableCounter += 1 else: self._disableCounter = 0 if self._disableCounter > self.autoDisableTime: self.disable() return 1.0 moveX = math.cos(direction) * magnitude moveY = math.sin(direction) * magnitude wheelMagnitudes = [] wheelDirections = [] wheelLimitScales = [] for wheel in self.wheels: wheelVectorX, wheelVectorY = self._calcWheelVector( wheel, moveX, moveY, turn) wheelMag = math.sqrt(wheelVectorX ** 2.0 + wheelVectorY ** 2.0) wheelDir = math.atan2(wheelVectorY, wheelVectorX) wheelMagnitudes.append(wheelMag) wheelDirections.append(wheelDir) wheelLimitScales.append(wheel.limitMagnitude(wheelMag, wheelDir)) minWheelScale = min(wheelLimitScales) for i in range(len(self.wheels)): if wheelMagnitudes[i] == 0: self.wheels[i].stop() else: self.wheels[i].drive(wheelMagnitudes[i] * minWheelScale, wheelDirections[i]) return minWheelScale
[docs] def orientWheels(self, magnitude, direction, turn): """ Orient the wheels as if the robot was driving, but don't move. """ self._disableCounter = 0 moveX = math.cos(direction) * magnitude moveY = math.sin(direction) * magnitude for wheel in self.wheels: wheelVectorX, wheelVectorY = self._calcWheelVector( wheel, moveX, moveY, turn) if wheelVectorX != 0 and wheelVectorY != 0: wheelDir = math.atan2(wheelVectorY, wheelVectorX), wheelDir)
[docs] def disable(self): """ Disable all motors. Calling drive() will enable them again. """ # calling drive(0,x,0) after this will keep motors disabled self._disableCounter = self.autoDisableTime + 1 for wheel in self.wheels: wheel.disable()
def _calcWheelVector(self, wheel, moveX, moveY, turn): return moveX - wheel.y * turn, moveY + wheel.x * turn
[docs] def resetWheelPositions(self): for i in range(len(self.wheels)): self.wheels[i].wheelPosition = 0 for k in range(len(self.wheels[i].motors)): self.wheels[i].motors[k].getEncoder().setPosition(0)
[docs] def getRobotMovement(self): """ Get the movement of the robot as a whole, based on wheel sensors. :return: (magnitude, direction, turn). Magnitude in feet per second, direction in radians, turn in radians per second. """ wheelValues = [] for wheel in self.wheels: wheelMag = wheel.getRealVelocity() wheelDir = wheel.getRealDirection() dx = wheelMag * math.cos(wheelDir) dy = wheelMag * math.sin(wheelDir) wheelValues.append((wheel, dx, dy)) return self._calcRobotMovement(wheelValues)
[docs] def getRobotPositionOffset(self, origin, target=False): """ Calculate how the robot has moved from a previous position. :param origin: an object returned by a previous call to ``getRobotPositionOffset``, for comparing previous state. Passing None will return an offset of 0 and a newly initialized state :param targetPosition: if False, the "real" position of wheels will be used based on encoder values. If True, the target position of wheels will be used based on where they were last told to move. :return: a tuple of ``(distance, direction, turn, state)`` where ``distance`` and ``direction`` define linear offset in feet and radians, ``turn`` defines angular offset in radians, and ``state`` is an object that can be stored and passed to a future call of ``getRobotPositionOffset`` for comparison. """ currentPositions = [ (w.getTargetPosition() if target else w.getRealPosition()) for w in self.wheels] if origin == None: return 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, currentPositions wheelValues = [] for i in range(len(currentPositions)): wheel = self.wheels[i] wheelMag = currentPositions[i] - origin[i] wheelDir = wheel.getTargetDirection() if target \ else wheel.getRealDirection() dx = wheelMag * math.cos(wheelDir) dy = wheelMag * math.sin(wheelDir) wheelValues.append((wheel, dx, dy)) outMag, outDir, outTurn = self._calcRobotMovement(wheelValues) return outMag, outDir, outTurn, currentPositions
# wheel values is a list of (wheel, dx, dy) # return (mag, dir, turn) def _calcRobotMovement(self, wheelValues): totalX = 0 totalY = 0 totalA = 0 pairCount = 0 for (wheelA, aDx, aDy), (wheelB, bDx, bDy) in _iteratePairs(wheelValues): # calc wheel b relative to wheel a relPosX = wheelB.x - wheelA.x relPosY = wheelB.y - wheelA.y relPosMag = math.sqrt(relPosX ** 2 + relPosY ** 2) relPosDir = math.atan2(relPosY, relPosX) relVelX = bDx - aDx relVelY = bDy - aDy relVelDir = math.atan2(relVelY, relVelX) relVelMag = math.sqrt(relVelX ** 2 + relVelY ** 2) totalX += (aDx + bDx) / 2 totalY += (aDy + bDy) / 2 totalA += relVelMag * math.sin(relVelDir - relPosDir) / relPosMag pairCount += 1 totalX /= pairCount totalY /= pairCount totalA /= pairCount return math.sqrt(totalX ** 2 + totalY ** 2), math.atan2(totalY, totalX), totalA if __name__ == "__main__": drive = SuperHolonomicDrive() drive.addWheel(TestWheel("Wheel A", 1, 1)) drive.addWheel(TestWheel("Wheel B", -1, 1)) drive.addWheel(TestWheel("Wheel C", 1, -1)) drive.addWheel(TestWheel("Wheel D", -1, -1)) def testDrive(mag, dir, turn): print("Drive Input mag:", mag, "dir:", math.degrees(dir), "turn:", turn), dir, turn) magOut, dirOut, turnOut = drive.getRobotMovement() print("Drive Output mag:", magOut, "dir:", math.degrees(dirOut), "turn:", turnOut) testDrive(0, 0, 0) testDrive(4, math.radians(90), 0) testDrive(-5, math.radians(46), 0) testDrive(0, 0, 1) testDrive(-5, math.radians(46), 3)