Source code for seamonsters.dashboard

import os, sys, queue, threading, remi, socket, time, logging
import remi.gui as gui
import seamonsters as sea


logger = logging.getLogger("seamonsters")

def hBoxWith(*args, **kwargs):
    Construct a REMI HBox with the given keyword arguments, and add all of the
    given widgets to it.
    box = gui.HBox(**kwargs)
    for widget in args:
    return box

def vBoxWith(*args, **kwargs):
    Construct a REMI VBox with the given keyword arguments, and add all of the
    given widgets to it.
    box = gui.VBox(**kwargs)
    for widget in args:
    return box

def startDashboard(robot, dashboardClass):
    Start the dashboard in a separate thread. Behavior of this function will
    depend on the RobotPy command line arguments -- in "run" mode the server
    will be started quietly, in "sim" mode a web browser will also be opened,
    and in "deploy" mode nothing will happen.

    :param robot: a robot object with an ``app`` variable. This will be set
        when the dashboard has started.
    :param dashboardClass: a class which extends from ``sea.Dashboard``
    """ = None

    def appCallback(app):"Dashboard initialized") = app

    def startDashboardThread(robot, appCallback):
        if sys.argv[1] == 'sim':
            if sys.platform == 'darwin': # macOS
                # issue with macOS Sierra and later
                address = ''
                # doesn't work with or localhost on school laptops
                address = socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname())
            remi.start(dashboardClass, start_browser=True,
                address=address, port=DASHBOARD_PORT, userdata=(robot, appCallback,))
        elif sys.argv[1] == 'depoly':
        elif sys.argv[1] == 'run': # run on robot
            while True:
                    remi.start(dashboardClass, start_browser=False,
                        address='', port=DASHBOARD_PORT, userdata=(robot, appCallback,))
                    logger.warning("Dashboard couldn't start, trying again in 5 seconds")

    thread = threading.Thread(target=startDashboardThread,
                                args=(robot, appCallback))
    thread.daemon = True

def queuedDashboardEvent(eventF):
    Given a function ``eventF`` which takes any number of arguments,
    returns a new function which will add ``eventF`` and given arguments
    to the Dashboard event queue, to be called later.
    def queueTheEvent(self, *args, **kwargs):
        # self is the robot
        def doTheEvent():
  "Event: " + eventF.__name__)
            return eventF(self, *args, **kwargs)
    return queueTheEvent

class Dashboard(remi.App):
    Adds some utilities for building robot dashboards to ``remi.App``.

    A dashboard class must have a ``main`` function which takes ``robot`` and
    ``appCallback`` as arguments, where ``robot`` is the robot object and
    ``appCallback`` is a function that should be called with ``self`` as an
    argument when ``main`` has completed.

    :param css: Whether to use a custom css file. Must be located at 'res/style.css'
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, css=False, **kwargs): self.eventQueue = queue.Queue() if css: res_path = sea.getRobotPath('res') super(Dashboard, self).__init__(*args, static_file_path={'res':res_path}, **kwargs) else: super(Dashboard,self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def clearEvents(self): """ Clear the event queue without executing any events. It's a good idea to call this at the start of teleop, in case someone clicked some buttons while the robot was disabled. """ while not self.eventQueue.empty(): self.eventQueue.get()
[docs] def doEvents(self): """ Execute all events in the event queue and clear the queue. This should be called continuously during teleop. """ value = None while not self.eventQueue.empty(): event = self.eventQueue.get() v = event() if value is None: value = v return value
class ToggleButtonGroup:
[docs] def __init__(self): self.buttons = []
[docs] def addButton(self, button = gui.Button, key=None): if key is None: key = button.get_text() button.key = key self.buttons.append(button)
[docs] def highlight(self, key): for button in self.buttons: if button.key == key:["background"] = "rgb(21, 130, 21)" else:["background"] = "rgb(21, 182, 21)"